RWE, Masdar file DCO request for 3GW Dogger South

Posted on 14 June 2024

RWE, Masdar file DCO request for 3GW Dogger South
Planning Inspectorate to consider if permit application will be accepted for examination.

RWE, Masdar have submitted an application for a Development Consent Order to the UK Planning Inspectorate for the 3GW Dogger Bank South wind farm off east England.

Examiners now have 28 days to consider if the DCO application will be accepted for examination.

The site is being developed in two phases (DBS East and DBS West) of up to 100 turbines each by RWE and UAE-based Masdar.

The German utility is leading project development, construction and operation on behalf of the partners.

It said the next steps will be to secure a Contracts for Difference deal followed by financing, construction and commissioning in 2031.

Source: ReNews (

The project is expected to secure a grid connection at the proposed National Grid substation at Creyke Beck 1 near Cottingham, north of Hull.
