Blakenewport Associate Ltd

Blakenewport Associate Ltd

Blake Newport is a multidisciplinary consultancy with global experience, successfully delivering commercial management, planning, dispute resolution and Expert Witness services for over 40 years

Company Profile

Blake Newport has successfully delivered contract and commercial management, planning, dispute resolution and expert witness services to its clients for over 40 years.

Operating in the construction, engineering, outsourcing and renewables industries, our experience ranges from public infrastructure projects in transport, energy and water supply to public and private construction and engineering projects in numerous sectors, as well as major PFI and IT outsourcing contracts in the public and private sectors.

We support clients in the UK and Europe, as well as further afield in locations such as the USA, South Africa, Bahrain, Japan, Malaysia, India and Oman.

Product Life Cycle Stages: Professional Services (all stages)
Experience in Offshore Wind

Project:                   Walney Wind Farm

Client:                     Deep Ocean

Support provided: • Preparation and submission of contractual claims

Project:                   East Anglia 1 –Installation of export cable                                         installation connecting on shore and off shore                                 substations  

Client:                     Deep Ocean

Support provided:• Procurement of sub-contractors and suppliers

                             • Preparation of cost reports

                             • Preparation of Applications for Payment

                             • Management of supply chain payments

                             • Preparation and submission of contractual                                       claims.

                             • Delay analysis in defence of claims from sub-                                 contractors.

                             • Delay analysis for submission of contractual                                     claims

Project:                 Nemo – Installation of subsea cable connecting                               UK and main land Europe

Client:                      Deep Ocean

Support provided: • Procurement of sub-contractors and suppliers

                              • Preparation of cost reports

                              • Preparation of Applications for Payment

                              • Management of supply chain payments

                              • Drafting of Variation proposals

                              • Claims support and defence of claims from                                      sub-contractors.

                              • Preparation and submission of contractual                                      claims

                              • Delay analysis in defence of claims from sub-                                  contractors.

                              • Delay analysis for submission of contractual                                    claims

Project:                   Bligh Bank Phase II Offshore Wind Farm

Client:                     Deep Ocean 

Support provided: • Claims support and defence of claims from                                      sub-contractors.

                              • Preparation and submission of contractual                                      claims

Project:                   Hornsea Offshore Wind Farm Project One –                                      Array Cable Installation

Client:                    Deep Ocean

Support Provided: • Claims support and defence of claims from                                      sub-contractors.                                                                              • Preparation and submission of contractual                                      claims

Project:                  Egmond aan Zee Cable Repair

Client:                    Deep Ocean

Support Provided: • Claims support and defence of claims from                                      sub-contractors.                                                                              • Preparation and submission of contractual                                      claims

Project:                   Golden Valley wind energy project –                                                 installation of 48Wind Turbine Generators                                         (WTGs)120MW

Client:                     Bespoke (Eastern Cape, South Africa)

Support Provided:• Claims support and defence of claims from                                       sub-contractors.                                                                               • Preparation and submission of contractual                                       claims.                                                                                             • Delay analysis in defence of claims from sub-                                 contractors.                                                                                     • Delay analysis for submission of contractual                                     claims.

Project:                   Excelsior wind energy project – 13 WTGs,                                       32MW

Client:                     Bespoke (Eastern Cape, South Africa)

Support Provided:  • Claims support and defence of claims from                                       sub-contractors.                                                                               • Preparation and submission of contractual                                       claims.                                                                                             • Delay analysis in defence of claims from                                         sub-contractors.                                                                               • Delay analysis for submission of contractual                                     claims.

Project:                   Wind Farm – Baltic  Sea Installation of array                                   cables

Client:                     NDA

Support Provided: • Contract and Commercial Management                                          • Preparation and submissions of claim                                              documents                                                                                      • Delay analysis for submission of contractual                                    claims

Project:                  Design, procurement, supply, manufacturing,                                  installation and commissioning of 33kV                                            submarine electricity cable

Client:                    NDA

Support Provide:    Pre-contract review of terms and conditions