Clarksons Port Services (CPS) is dedicated to supporting marine & port operations and is a trusted partner, with over 50 years’ experience and a proven track record. We provide a 24/7/365 integrated service from our 18 office locations around the UK & Ireland, whilst also supporting clients globally. With a team of over 140 experienced & knowledgeable professionals Clarksons Port Services deliver solutions for Port Agency, Freight Forwarding, Project Logistics, Offshore Supply, Voyage Agency Services, Crew Change, Bunkering, Warehousing & Storage, Customs Clearance, Tooling & Supplies and Safety & Survival.
CPS have supported over 30 offshore wind projects in the UK since 2003. One of the largest and most recent being Moray East, where we provided support to over 12 clients. Services included port agency, crew change, bunkering, vessel charter, procurement, freight forwarding, warehouse management and customs. We have provided a number of these services to a range of clients working on more recently, Beatrice, Kincardine, NnG, East Anglia ONE, Hornsea Project one and two, Triton Knoll and Seagreen windfarms.
Scroby Sands - Agency Support WTG's Kentish Flats - Agency Support WTG's Robin Rigg - Agency Support Fuondations & WTG's Thanet - Agency Support Cables Ormande - Agency Support WTG's Greater Gabbard - Agency Foundations & Cables Sheringahm Shoal - Agency Foundations & WTG's Bard 1 - Transformer transfer ex Belfast Lincs - Agency Foundations & WTG's Gunfleet Sands - Agency - Blade Replacement London Array - Agency Foundations & WTG's West of Duddon Sands - Agency Foundations & WTG's Kentish Flats Extensions - Agency Foundations, WTG's & Cables Dudgeon - Agency Surveys, Cables & WTG's Rampion - Agency Support Surveys Burbo Bank Extension - Agency, Site Construction Galloper - Agency Surveys ,Cables & WTG's Race Bank - Agency Support, Surveys & WTG's Walney Extension - Agency, project support Hywind Scotland Pilot Park - Agency support Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm - Agency support Blyth Demonstrator Array 2 - Agency Cables including site management Beatrice - Agency, Project support Kincardine - Agency Support, Surveys NNG - Agency Support, Surveys East Anglia ONE - Agency Support Surveys, OSS commissioning, Cables Hornsea Project One - Agency Support, Nearshore cables, OSS Moray East - Agency Support, Foundations Hornsea Two - Agency Support, Cables